Monday, February 17, 2020

Little Wars 2020 - Lard America Games!

HMGS Midwest's Little Wars 2020 is coming up April 23rd to 26th in Lombard, Illinois. Lard America Midwest will be hosting 17 games over the weekend, by eight different GMs. While game times are still being finalized, and will be posted by February 29th, 2020. We wanted to share the games coming up and the days they will be hosted.

Once start times are posted, I will update the list to include that information to assist with registration. We hope to see you there!

Friday, April 24th 


Blood in the streets, the last desperate defense - Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Jim Harms

Chain of Command game set during the battle of the bulge. Their forward positions overrun, and with news of another column of Germans advancing towards their open left flank, Capt. Ryerson and Lt Hyduke, organize the exhausted defenders to fight their foe yet again. The Germans too are exhausted but sense the Americans have reached the end of their rope.

Death Comes to Longvilly -  Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Jim Harms

The cold, hungry and weary advancing elements of the 77th VG regiment have bumped into an American roadblock just outside Longvilly in the early hours of December 19th, 1944. Without armor support they postpone their attack until some armor support can be “borrowed” from the 2nd Panzer Division to assist. Can the tired and disordered troops of CCR 9th AD delay the Germans long enough for the 101st AB prepare their defenses?

Battle of the Bloody Gulch, 13 June 1944 - Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Liam Harding

D+6, One mile southwest of Carentan, elements of the 101st Airborne face a counter-attack from units of the 17th SS PzGren Div. and 6th Fallschirmjaeger Reg. Can the airborne forces hold on until the 2nd Armored arrives to save the day? Or will the Germans break through to retake Carentan?

Bois Des Caures - Chain of Command WW1 - Hosted by Paul Scrivens-Smith

February 1916. ‘Of every five Chasseurs, two are buried alive in their dug-outs, two are wounded and the fifth waits.’

Heroes of Aubigny: Part I - Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Jim Heniff

Aubigny France, May 24 1940:   As the Dunkirk evacuation began to unfold in May 1940, the German 2. Inanterie-Div (mot) began seizing crossings over the Somme River in preparations for future offensive operations.   Emboldened by the lack of French on the Somme, lightly armed recon units were dispatched to seize river crossing until further reinforcements could arrive.   At Aubigny, the Germans happened to cross in the proximity of the recently arrived veterans of the 4e DIC (Colonial Infantry Division), who immediately launched an attack with the 24e RTS (Senegalese Tirailleur Regiment).   Can the Germans hold the town and bridge until reinforcements arrive or will the ‘Senegalese’ and their chouchou knives show the Boche this is no demoralized reserve division they’re facing but colonial regulars with something to prove?

What a tanker extravaganza! Berlin, 1945 - What a Tanker - Hosted by Ed Harding

Late war Russian and German tanks square off in the rubble of Berlin. WAT, 1/56th 4 to 10 players  - will run twice  on Friday

Saturday, April 25th


786th Bomb Squadron attacks! - Bag the Hun - Hosted by Paul Scrivens-Smith

786th Bombardment Squadron – 7th May 1944
Having taken off from RAF Attlebridge in Norfolk the 466th Bombardment Group (Heavy) will be attacking the marshaling yards at Liege in preparation for the invasion of Europe.

Aachen 1944 - Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Mark Huml

Aachen '44.  October 13, 1944, Aachen, with the city cutoff the reinforced US 26th Infantry regiment advances from the east to secure the city center and complete the capture of the first major German city in the path of the American advance. Inexperienced Volksgrenadiers supported by drafts from the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine aim to delay the Americans in the narrow streets.

Berlin 1945 - Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Mark Huml

April 30, 1945, Berlin, about a mile SE of the Reichstag. With the end in sight an assault group of the 1st Belorussian Front probes forward street by street towards the government district. The last defenders of the Third Reich fight on hoping to contain the Russians: There is talk of a breakout to the North if they can only hold the perimeter till nightfall.

Bushy Run - Sharp Practice 2 - Hosted by Al Muelling, John Adams & Clyde Holmes.

Battle of Bushy Run, August 5-6, in western Pennsylvania during Pontiac’s Uprising in 1763. A British column on their way to relieve the garrison under siege at Fort Pitt is confronted by a combined force of Delaware, Shawnee, Mingo and Huron warriors.

Heroes of Aubigny: Part II - Chain of Command WW2 - Hosted by Jim Heniff

Aubigny France: May 25 1940:   Yesterday, the 24e RTS (Senegalese Tirailleur Regiment) had retaken the bridge over the Somme at Aubigny France from recon forces of the 2. Intanterie-div (mot).   Overnight the infamous German 13. Infanterie-div (mot) arrived after racing across Belgium and France and was intent on retaking the bridge.   Since other nearby bridges were still held by the Germans the ‘Senegalese’ must destroy the bridge before it is recaptured.   French engineers had finally arrived at dusk but the Germans are preparing to attack.   Can the 24e RTS hold the bridge long enough for the engineers to destroy the bridge or will the German secure another bridge across the Somme river?

Davis' Crossroads - Pickett's Charge - Hosted by Liam Harding

A what-if scenario? One week prior to the Battle of Chickamauga Confederate forces had the chance to destroy a Union division that was exposed. Historically Confederate Maj. Gen. Hindman failed to attack thinking he was outnumbered. What would of happened if he had attacked?

Rorke's Drift - Sharp Practice 2, modified - Hosted by Ed Harding

Rorke’s Drift, January 22nd, 1879. As the British defenders can you repeat history and hold off the Zulu hoards or as the Zulus can you finish off the small British garrison and bring more glory to the Zulu nation.

Moby Dux! - Dux Brittanium - Hosted by Jeff Hady

Their luck seemed too good to be true when a whale carcass washed up on the shore next to their settlement.  It meant food for the winter, oil for burning and teeth for carving.  But this small Viking settlement was in for a rude surprise the next day as word of their good fortune winged it's way to their neighbors at the speed of a raven.     Neighboring Normans, Vikings and Saxons are all arriving at the same time in order to claim their fair share of the carcass, as well as to help themselves to the food and livestock of the settlement.  It's a five way battle and the winner will be the one who is able to gather the most resources (whale, sheep, pigs, cattle).