Tentative schedule for next month's Deep Dish Lard Day, email me at wharding91@gmail.com if you are interested in running another game, as we may have space for one or two more tables. Or if you would be interested in helping out GM the What A Cowboy demos!
Morning games (10 AM):
- What a Cowboy demo games!
- Midgard: 100 Years War, Your chance to try out the soon to be released Midgard rules by James Morris. Can the English Longbow prevail against the French nobility? GM: Paul Scrivens-Smith
- Sharp Practice: The Battle of Culloden, command Jacobite or Government forces to skirmish on Drummossie Moor, can the Highland forces win the day or will Government volleys end the hopes of the Young Pretender. GM: Ed Harding
- Chain of Command: DMZ Attack on Firebase Airborne, early morning of May 13th, 1969. The 6th NVA Regiment supported by units of the K-12 Sapper Battalion launched one of the Vietnam war's bloodiest assaults on an American firebase. Paratroopers of Alpha Co, 2/501st alongside the gunners of Battery C, 2/319th Artillery must fight tooth and nail to prevent their positions from being overrun and destroyed. GM: Liam Harding
Afternoon games (2 PM):
- What a Cowboy demo games continue!
- Chain of Command: Espana, Last stand at Palacio De Ibarra March 18th, 1937 elements of 1st Dio Lo Voule lead by Commander Alberto Montanari are holed up inside a hunting lodge known as the Palacio de Ibarra. Republican counter attacking forces including the Garibaldi Battalion supported by Paulov's Tank Company need to clear them out to get into position to retake Brihuega. GM: Liam Harding
- Chain of Command: Aubigny France, May 24 1940: As the Dunkirk evacuation began to unfold in May 1940, the German 2. Inanterie-Div (mot) seized bridges on the Somme River with lightly armed recon units At Aubigny the 4e DIC (Colonial Infantry Division) immediately launched an attack with the 24e RTS (Senegalese Tirailleur Regiment) to retake the bridge. Can the Germans hold the bridge until reinforcements arrive or will the ‘Senegalese’ secure the bridge to defend against the inevitable German Offensive? GM: Jim Heniff
- O Group: Attack on Saint Manveiu, June 26 1944 The opening attack put in by the 6th Royal Scottish Fusiliers and the 9th Royal Tank Regiment against the village of Saint Manveiu, and its environs, which were held by a thin line of the 21st SS Panzer Grenadier regiment. GM: Ed Harding
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